
Is Pleasure Worth the Pain

Ever heard of intercourse pain? Dyspareunia (intercourse pain) has been a problem for a number of women around the globe for quite a long time now. This is one of women’s sexual health issues that must not be ignored. However, women still insist to keep mum about it.

What really is dyspareunia? According to; pain during intercourse (dyspareunia) is pain or discomfort in a woman’s labial, vaginal, or pelvic areas during or after sexual intercourse. The Greek word dyspareunia means “difficulty mating” or “badly mated”. Do you know that early Hebrews regarded this type of matter as a basis for divorce? That’s how serious it is. It’s comforting to know that nowadays, the causes of dyspareunia are now easily discovered and treated. There are many possible causes of dyspareunia. Some are serious, others are not. Here are some of them:

Vaginismus. A condition where there is involuntary tightness of the vagina during attempted intercourse. The tightness is actually caused by involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. Vaginismus is highly treatable and a full recovery from vaginismus is the normal outcome of treatment.

Types of vaginismus:
1. primary vaginismus – When a woman has never at any time been able to have pain-free intercourse due to this muscle spasm her condition is known as primary vaginismus. Some women with primary vaginismus are unable to wear tampons and/or complete pelvic exams.

2. secondary vaginismus – Vaginismus can also develop later in life, even after many years of pleasurable intercourse. This type of condition, known as secondary vaginismus, is usually precipitated by a medical condition, traumatic event, childbirth, surgery, or life-change (menopause).

Womb trouble – Various womb disorders, including fibroids, can cause deep intercourse pain.

Endometriosis – This very common disorder often affects the womb and surrounding tissues. It makes them very tender, particularly near period times. The pressure of the penis on an area of endometriosis may cause intense, deep pain.

Ovary problems – Cysts on the ovary can cause deep pain. Pain may also be caused if the tip of the penis hits an unusually positioned ovary.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) – This is caused by infection, and has become more common in the UK largely thanks to the bug called Chlamydia. If Chlamydia isn’t treated, there is quite a chance of PID developing. In PID, the tissues deep inside become badly inflamed and so the pressure of intercourse causes deep pain.

Ectopic pregnancy – This means a pregnancy outside the womb, usually in the Fallopian tube. Pressure on it can be very painful.

Other causes of more superficial pain during intercourse include; lack of lubrication, a well-endowed partner, menopausal or post-menopausal dryness, vaginal infections, injury, genital warts, vulvitis, hematoma of the clitoris, urethral caruncle, and foreign body in the vagina, vulvodynia and cancer.

If you find yourself suffering pain during intercourse schedule a consultation with a therapist. Also, try asking advice from a close friend or relative, open up to your siblings or parents for more opinions and help. Dyspareunia is one of women’s sexual health issues which when ignored can cause break up of a relationship so now is the time to move, seek help now!

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