
Periods A Passion Killer

Time of the Month Is a Passion Killer for Over Half of Women
A survey conducted by Bayer HealthCare, of over 1000 women who have self-reported heavy periods, showed that the majority avoid sex due to their heavy periods and over half admitted to being less intimate with their partner when they’re on their period.
The survey found that a staggering 81 per cent of British women with heavy periods dread their time of the month – changing their normal habits for up to two days a month, totalling some two years lost over the course of their lives. If the effects can result in women missing courses and days at work, there’s little wonder it can impact on how much they enjoy sex, too.
Psychotherapist and health writer, Christine Webber, says: “Heavy periods can make your life a misery. You can feel drained, and also have real anxiety about wearing light-coloured clothing. You may not be able to take part in everyday activities, leaving you with a feeling that you’re missing out, especially if you feel worried about embarrassing leaks and the possibility of your clothes becoming stained. You may also find that your sex life suffers. If so, you are not alone as the research shows that a massive 78 per cent of women who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding are avoiding sex at the time of their period.

“Sadly, it is clear that the majority of women with heavy periods simply put up and shut up. They don’t discuss this problem with their mum or their friends – let alone their doctor and they tend to think that it’s just part of ‘a woman’s lot in life’. If this is you, please think again as there is help available. Do go and see your healthcare professional and discuss what could be done.”
Simple treatment is available though. There are a number of hormonal and non-hormonal options and 87 per cent of women who have received treatment for their heavy periods say that it has helped to relieve the symptoms of heavy bleeding.
Dr. Diana Mansour, Clinical Director for Sexual Health Services for NHS Newcastle and North Tyneside, Community Health says: “I would urge any woman who thinks that her period is affecting the way she lives her life to visit her GP to discuss treatment options.”

Get frisky in the shower – you can wash yourself after sex, none of your soft furnishings will be stained
It’s reassuring to know that guys aren’t automatically turned off by heavy periods. Ricky Grove, 26, says: “I’d really hope that my wife or girlfriend wouldn’t avoid sex just because she had a heavy period because if you love someone, or you’re really in to them, the intimacy shouldn’t go for any reason. Sheets to protect the bed wouldn’t be a turn off and I certainly wouldn’t be bothered about her bleeding or my penis coming out all red. If you’re being that intimate with someone the rest of the month, it shouldn’t matter the rest of the time.”
If you want to stop avoiding sex during your ‘time of the month’, here are some tips:
• Get it out in the open so that you both know what you’re comfortable with. What do you both feel about messy sex?
• Try female condoms. They capture menstrual blood as well as offering protection against pregnancy. Also, they don’t restrict the penis and so he can stay inside you for a while after ejaculating.
• Menstrual cups prevent leaking and so allow for mess-free foreplay. Avoid rubber ones though as they can give your vagina a funny rubbery taste/smell.
• If you’re both happy to get cosy during your period, but you don’t want a mess in the bed, try placing pads or belts (longer pads) that you can place under you or your sheet. Or a trusty old towel?
• Reduce the visual horror and get a red bed sheet! Okay, so you’ll both know the marks will still be there but it might feel less like a birthing room…
• Get frisky in the shower – you can wash yourself after sex, none of your soft furnishings will be stained and he won’t even realise you were bleeding.

For further information on heavy periods and advice, visit
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