Women Can Openly Own Toys For Pleasure

How many guys do you know that proudly own some toy? For various reasons, some biological and some psychological, women sometimes have more difficulty pleasuring themselves than men do, whereas most men are content with using their hands.
Although women don't usually flaunt their toys in public, and would be at least a little embarrassed when the said toys make a sudden appearance at an unprepared party, most social circles – and potential romantic partners – are pretty forgiving towards women who own toys for their own personal enjoyment.
Seems like a double-standard, doesn't it? Yes. It does. And it is one of the worst ones on this list. Because we are lonely.
Re: Things Women Can Do That Guys Cannot
Women Can Wear Men's Clothes To Work

First of all, men have something down If ANYTHING, they need more space in the bottom half of their wardrobe than women. IT'S BASIC MATH
Given the horrific impracticalities of women's fashion it's easy to understand why women have fought for their rights to wear pants. Maybe they had some hurdles, like the preconception that a woman who wore men's clothes was a lesbian, but over time it's become perfectly acceptable for a woman to wear pants, t-shirts, and even practical shoes.
If a man wants to wear clothing specifically designed for a woman he'll have to also wear the label of "transvestite". Of course, while much of the Western World is increasingly comfortable with the idea of transvestitism, actually wearing high heels and a corset in public will nevertheless turn heads, and not in a positive way. It's not that every man actually WANTS to wear women's clothing, but there's no denying it-being ABLE to do so could be liberating. I mean, have you ever worn a dress? Then you know how it compares to a pair of pants on a hot summer day, and I'm not the first to say, that THAT'S freedom.
Re: Things Women Can Do That Guys Cannot
Women Can Openly Experiment With Homosexuality

Many straight women are comfortable admitting to having gone through a "phase", or at least kissing another woman in a social setting, from intoxicated college reverie to innocent games of Spin The Bottle in their youth. If a woman admits to these things she can still be considered heterosexual by pretty much everyone in the room.
On other side, a man cannot amongst most social circles admit to homosexual experimentation – no matter how fleeting, or even if they decided they did not enjoy the experience – without fear of being permanently labeled "gay" by those around them.
Re: Things Women Can Do That Guys Cannot
Women Can Dance Together

If women think men are being ridiculous for not enjoying themselves in a group setting with members of the opposite pole, that's nothing compared to the discomfort most men feel with dancing around other men. Dancing with other men is not a socially acceptable practice, although nobody bats an eye when women dance together (at least, not disapprovingly). As with many of the items on this list, homophobia is often a factor in this case. But more than that, fear of dancing in general is an expression of social inadequacy and discomfort with one's body and social standing.
Being ignored by those around you is one thing, but being laughed at is another issue altogether. Add to the mix close proximity to other men in an uninhibited display of self-expression, and you've got a powder keg of social anxiety that most men just aren't comfortable with, even if they are being a little ridiculous about it.
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